Public CDN auto-updated

Introducing libgrabber!

I am happy to announce that jsDelivr is now in process of becoming fully automated.

libgrabber is an app that runs on our servers and can keep projects hosted at jsDelivr updated automatically without requiring the author or any contributors to manually process and upload the new versions.
This is very important as the repo is quite heavy and require people to download it is a bad idea.
Now our bot can take care of all the dirty work.

And it requires no modifications in the author's repo. All is needed is a valid update.json file in jsDelivr's repo inside the project that we want auto-updated.

Sources that libgrabber supports:

  • Github - Tagged versions
  • npm
  • bower

Here is an example update.json file

  "packageManager": "github",
  "name": "morris.js",
  "repo": "morrisjs/morris.js",
  "files": {
    "include": ["morris.css", "morris.js", "morris.min.js"]

That's it, morris.js is now auto-updated and all future versions will be submitted automatically by our bot. The config also allows the user to configure in detail the production files by using a mix of include and exclude rules.

Here is libgrabber in action updating the project domtastic to 0.7.4.

We plan to expand libgrabber in the feature to achieve an even greater level of automation.
In the meantime you can help us develop the project or add update.json files to projects that dont have any.