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Quote Tool for Editor.js

Version 2.7.6 License MIT
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Quote Tool

Provides Quote Blocks for the Editor.js.


Get the package

yarn add @editorjs/quote

Include module at your application

import Quote from '@editorjs/quote';

Optionally, you can load this tool from CDN JsDelivr CDN.


Add a new Tool to the tools property of the Editor.js initial config.

var editor = EditorJS({
  tools: {
    quote: Quote,

Or init Quote Tool with additional settings

var editor = EditorJS({
  tools: {
    quote: {
      class: Quote,
      inlineToolbar: true,
      shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+O',
      config: {
        quotePlaceholder: 'Enter a quote',
        captionPlaceholder: 'Quote\'s author',

Config Params

Field Type Description
quotePlaceholder string quote's placeholder string
captionPlaceholder string caption's placeholder string

Tool's settings

You can choose alignment for the quote. It takes no effect while editing, but saved the «alignment» param.

Output data

Field Type Description
text string quote's text
caption string caption or an author
alignment string left or center
    "type" : "quote",
    "data" : {
        "text" : "The unexamined life is not worth living.",
        "caption" : "Socrates",
        "alignment" : "left"