
A Leaflet Plugin For Editing Geometry Layers in Leaflet 1.0
Leaflet Plugin For Creating And Editing Geometry Layers
Draw, Edit, Drag, Cut, Rotate, Split, Scale, Measure, Snap and Pin Layers
Supports Markers, CircleMarkers, Polylines, Polygons, Circles, Rectangles, ImageOverlays, LayerGroups, GeoJSON, MultiLineStrings and MultiPolygons
Visit geoman.io/docs to get started.
Check out the full power of Leaflet-Geoman Pro on geoman.io/demo
Feature Requests
I'm adopting the Issue Management of lodash which means, feature requests get the "Feature Request" Label and then get closed.
You can upvote existing feature requests (or create new ones). Upvotes make me see how much a feature is requested and prioritize their implementation.
Please see the existing Feature Requests here and upvote if you want them to be implemented.
Clone the repository and then install all npm packages:
pnpm install
Compile and run dev
watch version:
pnpm run start
Compile and run build
pnpm run prepare
Run cypress test:
pnpm run test
Open cypress window:
pnpm run cypress
Open eslint check:
pnpm run lint
Take a look into CONTRIBUTING
A big thanks goes to @Falke-Design, he invests a lot of time and takes good care of Leaflet-Geoman.
Thanks to @ryan-morris for the implementation of Typescript and support with Typescript questions.
As I never built a leaflet plugin before, I looked heavily into the code of leaflet.draw to find out how to do stuff. So don't be surprised to see some familiar code.
I also took a hard look at the great L.GeometryUtil for some of my helper functions.
The Rotate Mode are only working because of the great calculation code of L.Path.Transform