
Point Labels Plugin for Chartist.js
Tooltips for Chartist
This plugin provides quick and easy tooltips for your Chartist charts. It's published on npm as chartist-plugin-tooltips-updated.
Configuration Options
The following options can be configured when the plugin is loaded. Their default values are as shown.
var defaultOptions = {
currency: undefined, // Accepts '£', '$', '€', etc.
// Append curreny information e.g. 4000 => €4,000
tooltipFnc: undefined, // Accepts function
// Build custom tooltip
transformTooltipTextFnc: undefined, // Accepts function
// Transform tooltip text
class: undefined, // Accecpts 'class1', 'class1 class2', etc.
// Adds class(es) to the tooltip wrapper
anchorToPoint: false, // Accepts true or false
// Tooltips do not follow mouse movement -- they are anchored to the point / bar.
appendToBody: true, // Accepts true or false
// Appends tooltips to body instead of chart container,
metaIsHTML: false // Accepts true or false
// Whether to parse the meta value as HTML or plain text
Sample Usage
1. Install the plugin
yarn add chartist-plugin-tooltips-updated
2. Include JS
Include the JavaScript script file of the plugin either using one of two options:
- Include it using a
<script src="node_modules/chartist/dist/index.umd.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/chartist-plugin-tooltips-updated/dist/chartist-plugin-tooltip.min.js"></script>
var chart = new Chartist.LineChart('.ct-chart', data, {
plugins: [
- Include it using an import:
import { LineChart } from 'chartist';
import ChartistTooltip from 'chartist-plugin-tooltips-updated';
let chart = new LineChart('.ct-chart', data, {
plugins: [
Warning: The version 0.0.17 of the original package available on npm included a s
suffix for the tooltip
which now has been removed,
see the related commit.
3. Include CSS
Include the two CSS files in your project:
Either using one of two options:
- Include them in the
of your HTML file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/chartist/dist/index.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/chartist-plugin-tooltips-updated/dist/chartist-plugin-tooltip.css">
- Include them as Webpack CSS imports
import 'chartist/dist/index.css';
import 'chartist-plugin-tooltips-updated/dist/chartist-plugin-tooltip.css';
4. Configure Labels
Without a descriptive text:
var chart = new Chartist.LineChart('.ct-chart', {
labels: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
series: [
[1, 5, 3, 4, 6, 2, 3],
[2, 4, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6]
}, {
plugins: [
With a descriptive text:
var chart = new Chartist.LineChart('.ct-chart', {
labels: [1, 2, 3],
series: [
{meta: 'description', value: 1},
{meta: 'description', value: 5},
{meta: 'description', value: 3}
{meta: 'other description', value: 2},
{meta: 'other description', value: 4},
{meta: 'other description', value: 2}
}, {
plugins: [
With a custom formatted descriptive text:
var chart = new Chartist.LineChart('.ct-chart', {
labels: [1, 2, 3],
series: [
{meta: 'description', value: 1},
{meta: 'description', value: 5},
{meta: 'description', value: 3}
{meta: 'other description', value: 2},
{meta: 'other description', value: 4},
{meta: 'other description', value: 2}
}, {
plugins: [
currency: '$',
class: 'class1 class2',
appendToBody: true
If you change the CSS properties of the tooltip, you shouldn't change the display
otherwise the tooltip may be incorrectly positioned.
Custom Point Element
This guide is a bit outdated and may not work with new versions of the plugin.
In Chartist, you can replace the default point element with a custom element. There is a pretty demo which uses events to replace the default point graphics. If you want the tooltip to work fine with a new element, you need to include two more properties to your custom element:
'ct:value': data.value.y,
'ct:meta': data.meta,
And you have to add the following CSS rule to the new element by using the style
or by adding this rule to your css class:
pointer-events: all!important;
(If you want to read more about, why you have to add this css rule take a look at chartist-plugin-tooltip#72)
So the final code could look like this. Here is a live demo
chart.on('draw', function(data) {
// If the draw event was triggered from drawing a point on the line chart
if(data.type === 'point') {
// We are creating a new path SVG element that draws a triangle around the point coordinates
var circle = new Chartist.Svg('circle', {
cx: [data.x],
cy: [data.y],
r: [5],
'ct:value': data.value.y,
'ct:meta': data.meta,
style: 'pointer-events: all !important',
class: 'my-cool-point',
}, 'ct-area');
// With data.element we get the Chartist SVG wrapper and we can replace the original point drawn by Chartist with our newly created triangle
plugins: [
appendToBody: true,
pointClass: 'my-cool-point'
Why this fork?
This repository is a fork of tmmdata/chartist-plugin-tooltip. (Thanks for the great work!)
It seems as this repository is no longer maintained, that's why I decided to fork it and include several pull requests and update the dependencies.
Included Pull Requests
- #87 Document new meta options from meisanerd
- #131 (feature) add chartist-plugin-tooltip.scss to dist folder from Zadvornyi
- #136 Fix issue checking chart type when uglified from jkowens
- #128 Fixes width/height being incorrect from jdoyle65
- #160 Fixed memory leak from callanto
- #173 Adding support for SOLID donut graphs from AlexLaforge
- #9 Add support to IE11 from Borrajo
- #20 Support for Chartist v1 from stklcode
More new exciting stuff
- Upgrade to Yarn
- Up-to-date dependencies
- Latest version published on npm