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The advanced PJAX superior to SPA.

Version 3.44.1 License (Apache-2.0 AND MPL-2.0)
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The advanced PJAX superior to SPA.

The pjax-api can implement SPA on Pjax less expensive than SPA frameworks. And provides almost complete original web experience. Most SPA frameworks and pjax libraries lack many essential functions to keep the original web experience such as follows.

  • Browser history fix (Fix for browsers)
    • Browsers set the wrong title to the current URL in page back/forward.
  • Scroll position restoration (Fix for browsers)
    • Browsers cannot restore the scroll position if the current content doesn't have sufficient scroll size.
  • Unexpected scroll prevention (Fix for browsers)
    • Browsers unexpectedly scroll the page before updating the page in page back/forward.
  • Scroll behaviors around hash links
    • Most frameworks and libraries reproduce wrong scroll behaviors around hash links.
  • Scroll position after reloading
    • Most frameworks break the current scroll position after reloading.


Pjax is a low-level API for SPA easier, simpler, and less expensive than high-level APIs of SPA frameworks.

// SPA on Pjax
import Pjax, { FakeXMLHttpRequest } from 'pjax-api';

new Pjax({
  fetch: {
    rewrite: url =>
        fetch(url, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } })
          .then(res => res.json())
          .then(data =>
            new DOMParser().parseFromString(
SPA on frameworks*1 SPA on Pjax
Type Framework Library
Abstraction level High Low
Original template language Yes No
Intermediate layer Yes No
Data format JSON JSON or anything*2
UX integrity*3 Low High
Technical property Exclusive Coexistence
Ecosystem Dedicated Common
Old servers Dispose Keep
New servers Required Optional
Work on servers Redevelop all Add JSON APIs*4
Work on clients Redevelop all Reconstruct scripts*5
Partial introduction Coarse Fine
Location Servers and Clients Clients
Server constraints Strong Nothing
Dependence High Low
Learning costs High Low
Development costs High Low
Operation costs High Low
Running costs High Low
Removal costs High Low
Renewal costs High Low

*1 Such as React.
*2 You can send any efficient format instead of JSON and parse it on clients.
*3 Between MPA(standard web sites) and SPA.
*4 Just do it.
*5 To manage the lifetime of existing scripts. Since such management doesn't depend on SPA, these scripts are sharable and reusable with MPA and other SPA libraries.

SPA frameworks are cancer of the web.


Feature defunkt Turbolinks falsandtru Barba
SPA on Pjax (Use JSON instead of HTML)
Multiple area update
Fallback area matching
Shadow DOM support
Content type verification
HEAD contents markless auto sync
CSS markless auto sync
Script markless auto load
External script load
Inline script execution
Execution sequence keeping
Non-blocking script load
Subresource integrity verification *1
Rewrite request and response (XHR)
Rewrite source document
Concurrent sequence integration
URL scope
Browser history fix
Scroll position restoration
Unexpected scroll prevention
NOSCRIPT tag fix
History API support*2
No jQuery dependency

*1 Excludes ES modules.
*2 Ability to use pjax APIs and history APIs in combination.







$ npm i pjax-api


Note that this example specifies the latest version. You have to replace it with any specific version to preserve APIs from breaking changes.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pjax-api@latest"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/config.js"></script>
// config.js
import Pjax from 'pjax-api';
// or
const { Pjax } = window['pjax-api'];

new Pjax({
  areas: [
    // Try the first query.
    '#header, #primary',
    // Retry using the second query if the first query doesn't match.
    // Retry.


  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge (Chromium edition only)