
consume promises in fibers and fibers as promises
What is Yield-on-promise?
Yield-on-promise (yop for short) is a tiny module that lets you pause a fiber until a promise is resolved or rejected. Here's a complete example:
var Fiber = require('fibers');
var Q = require('q');
var yop = require('yield-on-promise');
Fiber(function() {
var result = yop( addLater(1, 2) );
console.log(result); // outputs 3
function addLater(a, b) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
process.nextTick(function() {
deferred.resolve(a + b);
return deferred.promise;
In the example, addLater()
returns a promise that is resolved with the sum of its arguments
on the next turn of the event loop. The function that runs in the fiber is able to pause execution
until the promise is resolved by passing the promise to yop()
Why does this exist?
Fibers are the most powerful way to manage asynchronous complexity in node, but they are so foreign to the "node way" of doing things that very few npm modules rely on them.
Promises are the next best thing to fibers, and many npm modules produce promises by default.
Yield-on-promise is a tiny shim between fibers and promises that allows users of fibers to take full advantage of modules that produce and consume promises.
Consuming fibers as promises
Yield-on-promise comes with a utility function for running a function in a fiber and promising the results:
var yop = require('yield-on-promise');
var promise = yop.frun(function() {
// frun() runs its argument in a fiber and returns a promise
promise.then(function(result) {
// the eventual result of that function resolves the promise
What about exceptions?
Yield-on-promise does what you would expect when promises are rejected:
Fiber(function() {
try {
yop( throwErrorLater() );
} catch (err) {
// the rejected promise will be caught here
function throwErrorLater() {
var deferred = Q.defer();
process.nextTick(function() {
deferred.reject(new Error('this is a silly function'));
return deferred.promise;
Things work correctly the other way around, too:
var promise = yop.frun(function() {
throw new Error('this always happens to me');
promise.then(function(result) {
// this never happens
}, function(err) {
// instead, this onRejected promise handler runs with the thrown error
This module is released under The MIT License. See yield-on-promise.js
for the whole thing.
2013 Will Conant, http://willconant.com/